Am i missing out much if i don't get the Recording Studio edition? (Is there for example some awesome must-have virtual instrument or sample pack that i shouldn't live without?). My needs would be somewhat basic - some effects here, a bit of pianos, leads or guitars there. Mixcraft Pro Studio is packed with over 1250 worth of additional plug-ins, including Melodyne Essentials, Celemonys astounding pitch correction and editing suite, which goes beyond the plug-in.Should i later want to upgrade to the Recording Studio edition, would that be possible? There's no option to buy digitally from mixcraft directly, only from Steam.Should i be concearned? I only have one 64-bit vst, which i don't mind not working in mixcraft. The Home Studio version is 32-bit only and i'm running a 64-bit windows 10 machine.There's also a cheaper version, "Home Studio", which seems to be fine, but there are a couple of things that make me hesitant: I think mixcraft recording studio is perfect for my needs, albeit a bit pricey for what i had in mind. I am having an embarrassingly difficut time adapting my workflow to. My must-haves are the ability to play mp4 videos (not just import the sound) and come with a decent amount of (quality) instruments and samples. I actually have owned a brand new Macbook Pro with Logic Pro for over a year, but I am still continuing to use Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio on Windows because its what Im used to, and I can just open it up and automatically start writing because I know where everything I need is.

I'm hobbyist youtuber (gaming mostly) and was considering getting a cheap and easy to use daw to enhance my videos with custom music, sound effects etc.